what is compostable packaging

What is compostable packaging?

Compostable packaging is a kind of sustainable, eco friendly packaging material that can compost at home or in an industrial composting facility. It is made from a combination of compostable plant material such as corn and compostable plastic called poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) or better known as PBAT. PBAT creates a tough but flexible material that allows the packaging to compost and biodegrades faster into natural, non-toxic elements that nourish the soil. Unlike plastic packaging, certified compostable packaging breaks down within 3-6 months - the same speed organic matter decomposes. It does not pile up in landfills or oceans that take hundreds of years to decompose. Under right compostable conditions, compostable packaging decomposes right in front of you or better yet, your customer's eyes.

Composting at home is convenient and easy to do unlike in a compost facility. Simply prepare a compost bin where food scraps, compostable product such as compostable packaging, and other organic material is mixed to create a compost pile. Aerate the compost bin from time to time to help it break down. Expect the materials to break down within 3-6 months. This is something that you and your customers can do and is an additional experiential brand journey.

Furthermore, compostable packaging is durable, water-resistant, and can withstand climate changes like regular plastic poly mailers. This is why it is a great plastic-free alternative while doing your part in protecting mother earth. This works well for compostable food packaging as well.

What's better biodegradable or compostable?

Although biodegradable materials return to nature and can disappear completely they sometimes leave behind metal residue, on the other hand, compostable materials create something called humus that is full of nutrients and great for plants. In summary, compostable products are biodegradable, but with an added benefit.

Is Compostable the Same as Recyclable?

While a compostable and recyclable product both offer a way to optimize earth’s resources, there are some differences. A recyclable material generally has no timeline associated with it, while the FTC makes it clear that biodegradable and compostable products are on the clock once introduced into the “appropriate environment.”

There are plenty of recyclable products that are not compostable. These materials will not “return to nature,” over time, but will instead appear in another packing item or good.

How quickly do compostable bags break down?

Compostable bags are usually made from plants like corn or potatoes instead of petroleum. If a bag is certified compostable by the Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI) in the U.S., that means at least 90% of its plant-based material completely breaks down within 84 days in an industrial compost facility.

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Post time: Jan-12-2023